Can Raccoons Dig Holes in the Ground?

Raccoons can dig and burrow cone-shaped holes that are three to four inches wide, or even up to ten inches in your yard, garden or lawn for grubs, insects, other food, or shelter.

Do Raccoons Dig Holes?

Yes, raccoons dig holes in your lawns to feed on the grubs living there. The most effective means of stopping raccoons from digging up your lawn is to reduce the number of grubs living there.

You can introduce beneficial nematodes that will target moths, fleas, ants, flies, weevils, beetles, and other pests that coons feed on.

You’re basically making an easy meal difficult for them to thrive on.

Yes, raccoons will dig holes in your backyard, lawns, and gardens to get to grubs and other insects.

Raccoons can make dens in ground burrows; which could explain the hole in your yard.

They also make dens in brush piles, hollow trees, muskrat houses, abandoned buildings, barns, rock crevices, haystacks, and dense clumps of cattail..

They can also make dens in parts of attics, homes, including under your home and chimneys.

Yes, raccoons dig holes in grasses to feed on grubs and small animals.

Animals such as the raccoon, skunk, possum, among others will dig a deep hole underneath the fence to get into your property.

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Do Raccoons Burrow or Dig Holes?

Raccoons are both capable of digging out large holes or burrows to live in, finding food, or use as safety bunks.

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How Deep Can Raccoons Dig?

Raccoons can dig holes as deep as 3 inches to 10 inches.

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Why Do Raccoons Dig Holes In Your Yard?

Raccoons in your yard are digging for the following reasons:

Raccoons do most of their digging in summer to early fall. Grubs, small insects, and animals serve as a primary food source in the raccoon diet during these times.

Their nose is sensitive, and their paws can grab and hold on to prey. This lets them dig quickly and much on little critters.

One of their favorite grub is the European Chafer beetle; if you have them around. Be sure raccoons will pay you a visit, soon.

The good part is that raccoons can significantly prevent insect damage on gardens and other plants that may pose threats to your lawn.

But the overall damage that raccoons cause is a far bigger issue than grub damage, so getting rid of insects yourself may manage property problems before they can happen.

How to Remove Insects from my Garden

You can use insect control products to get rid of grub before they even attract raccoons.

This way, unwanted insects and annoying raccoons can both be out of the picture.

In addition to feeding on insects, raccoons are omnivores that also enjoy feeding on our lovely homegrown gardens.

Gardens are a quick means of sourcing food for insects and can quickly cause large amounts of damage to vegetables such as corn, Rhubarb, Peas, grapes, and potatoes.

Pet food is another factor that attracts raccoons.

If you leave your pet’s food laying around your yard or even have a bird feeder installed, that may also be filling the bellies of raccoons that are invading your property.

Once winter approaches, raccoons, like some animals resort to living underground burrows when abandoned dens or burrows are unavailable.

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Raccoons will be forced to create their own burrows if they find none available, they can use them during the cold seasons until temperatures begin to rise again.

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The difference between raccoon burrows and other burrows is the time they are created.  Most animals dig during the day while raccoons prefer the night. Additionally, raccoon burrows are commonly surrounded by large, ripped chunks of sod and grass that are scattered about messily.

Hibernation is a period of long, non-interrupted sleep. This is not what raccoons experience.

Once spring arrives, raccoons then eat extensive amounts of food to make up for the lost weight during the winter and leave their burrow behind.

Unlike old and tightly packed dirt, freshly laid sod serves as the popular spot to dig as it is easier to breakthrough.

Ask any water gardeners and they’d be happy to share their experiences with raccoon damage to their gardens.

Since water gardens are home to lots of aquatic animals that serve as a raccoon’s tasty treat, raccoons frequently pay these places a visit.

They like to feed on fish, frogs, and water plants. Water gardens are a raccoon’s favorite place to scavenge about.

These pests can be found searching through the water, grass, and soil for their next meal -especially frog eggs.

If you are unsure about a raccoon’s presence, simply take a look at any traces of wet soil. Raccoon tracks and holes can be imprinted and found in the mud surrounding your water garden.

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How Do You Keep Raccoons Out Of Your Yard?

To keep raccoons out of your yard, do the following:

  • Use Lawnbox grub out to reduce the number of grubs
  • Use Ultrasonic animal repellents
  • Coyote urine as deterrents, in rural areas
  • Take pet food indoors and feed your fur friends inside.

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Ultrasonic Animal Repeller

I love solar-powered flashing lights and ultrasonic animal repellers in your garden. They are quick, safe, human, environmentally friendly, and the one I use is waterproof with a range of up to 20 feet.

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You should also use a Lawnbox grub out product to reduce raccoons digging up your lawn. A single application lasts all season and is 100% organic to give you a healthy lawn.


Purchase humane trap boxes on Amazon and catch these pesky critters. Once caught, remember to remove them and relocate humanely.

Motion-activated Sprinkler

Motion-activated water sprinkler is an effective deterrent to scare raccoons away.

Raccoons and other annoying critters are afraid of sudden movements and spray of the water.

Coyote or Wolf Urine

Wolf or urine is another effective means of keeping raccoons away. As natural predators, raccoons will keep far away from the smell of a wolf or coyote. But, this only works in areas where coyotes prey on raccoons.

If raccoons don’t know the usual scent of a coyote or wolf, they won’t recognize their smell, and it won’t keep them away.

If you are used to seeing coyotes around your property, then coyote urine is a great deterrent.

Electric Fence

Raccoons detest electric fencing so if your garden is a hot spot for them, then this is the solution you’ve been waiting for.

A stretch of the electric fence no higher than 10 inches should be enough to keep raccoons off your lawn.

Chicken wire or Netting

Raccoons are lazy hunters and placing bird netting or chicken wire over your lawn will deter them.

If you use bird netting then you can leave it on the lawn, but if you use chicken wire then it is best to move it every few days so it doesn’t grow into the lawn.

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