The queen wasp is essentially the nest’s leader, and her primary function is egg laying. She is striped in bright yellow and black and has a triangle-shaped head, a distinct ‘waist,’ and a sharp pointy sting.
When the queen emerges from hibernation in the spring, she selects an appropriate location for her nest, such as a hollow tree or the cavity of a building.
She then begins building her nest out of ‘paper’ she creates by chewing up wood.
Each cell of the nest is meticulously constructed, and the queen lays an egg in each one. After approximately one month, the eggs hatch into sterile female adult workers who take over construction and foraging, while the queen continues to lay eggs for the remainder of her life.
After hatching, larvae are fed by adult workers. They eventually mature into fertile males dubbed drones and fertile females dubbed drones.
The fertile females will become the queens for the following year. Males and females fertile leave the colony to mate and find a place to hibernate.
As the temperature drops during the winter, the current queen and adult workers perish, leaving the nest empty.
When the hibernating queens awaken in the spring, they will ensure the continuation of the life cycle.
The Queen Wasp is a female wasp that has reached full maturity and is tasked with the responsibility of laying eggs and rearing a new generation of wasps.
While resting, the queen wasp is fed and treated specially by worker wasps. It is not assigned any additional responsibilities.
Table of Contents
How do you Identify a Queen Wasp?
Simply put, Queen Wasp is larger than all other female workers and drones (males).
This is due to the workers’ special attention to the queen wasp. Additionally, the Queen Wasp can be red, brown, metallic blue, yellow, or a combination of these colors with stripes.
Where to see a Queen and when to See One?
The best time to observe a queen wasp is between early spring and late summer. This is because the queen emerges from hibernation at the beginning of spring in search of an appropriate location for her nest, and then the new queens leave their nest at the end of summer to mate.
In parks, gardens, woods, and meadows, queen wasps can be seen. During the spring, you may see them nesting in woodlands, and during the winter, they will seek out sheltered areas to hibernate – perhaps even your garden shed!
How to Identify a Queen Wasp in Detail
A Queen Wasp is a mature (adult) female wasp that has been specially trained by worker wasps (females) to lay eggs and raise a new generation of wasps.
As a result, the queen wasp spends its entire life mating with drones (male wasps from other nests) and is obligated to raise new queens who in turn establish new colonies elsewhere.
To identify a Queen wasp nest, look for the following characteristics, signs, or traits:
Queen Wasp is typically larger than any other female wasp (worker) or drone (male) in any given wasp nest.
The Queen Wasp’s enormous size is due to the special meals it is fed, which also cause it to acquire hormones that aid in its growth.
The queen wasp has a round and elongated shape. Its chest is slightly protruding in comparison to other wasps. Queen Wasp is easily identifiable by its triangular-shaped head and distinctive ‘waist’ with a sharp pointed stinger.
See also Do Wasps have a Queen like Bees?!
NB: Only female wasps (including the queen) have stingers for self-defense.
The Queen Wasp’s coloration varies from yellow to brown to metallic blue to red. Certain wasp species have a queen with a black and white stripped abdomen – these colors are more vibrant than those of the other wasps in the nest.
The majority of worker wasps and drones die prior to winter due to the temperature drop. The Queen Wasp migrates and hibernates in a new location in preparation for egg laying.
This clearly indicates that any wasp you encounter during the winter must be a Queen wasp. They are visible if you visit any wasp nests in your neighborhood.
Normally, queen wasps remain stationary within wasp colonies. It remains in a single cell, where it is fed by worker wasps.
You will notice worker wasps moving back and forth at a particular location, possibly feeding the Queen wasp. Additionally, the Queen may be surrounded by newly hatched wasps for mother care.
The female workers maintain strict security around the Queen cell. You will notice that in any wasp nest, there are wasps that surround a specific area and do not appear to leave – this could be one of the queen wasp’s cells.
How Big is the Queen Wasp?
The Queen Wasp is significantly larger than the other wasps in a wasp nest – including phony wasp nests. To be precise, the majority of Queen Wasps will measure between 2 and 2.5cm in length.
This may increase slightly, but not more than 3.8cm. The worker wasps are slightly smaller in size – they range in length from 1.2cm to 1.8cm.
The Queen Wasp’s lower abdomen is pointed and longer than that of other wasps.
How Does a Wasp Become Queen?
The journey of the wasp to become the future queen begins shortly before winter, when the mother queen mates with the drones.
The mother queen then migrates from the wasp nest to a new location to hibernate.
The laid eggs hatch into larvae in the wasps’ nest cells, where the queen feeds them with her chews. These larvae should develop into female wasps (workers).
However, the mother queen feeds the larvae that will become the new queen. According to research, new queen larvae contain more proteins than other larvae and are typically larger.
When the female wasps in the first generation reach maturity, they are assigned the task of building new nests, feeding the larvae of the next generation, and beefing up nest security.
Nonetheless, the Female Wasp who is expected to become the new queen is given little work and is further overfed.
It is believed that the female wasps select one of their own to be the new queen of the nest with the assistance of the mother Queen wasp. There is no scientific evidence to support this belief.
Once the new queen is fully mature, the mother either leaves the nest and dies on its own or remains in an individual cell until it dies, leaving the newly crowned queen wasp in charge.
The new workers work cooperatively and submissively to complete each assignment assigned by the new queen, regardless of their age or generation.
How does the Queen European Wasp Look Like?
This wasp species is quite small. The workers feed the queen until it develops a triangular shape, at which point it is given the mantle of leadership. When fully grown, the queen measures approximately 2 cm in length.
The Queen European Wasp’s body is bright yellow with black triangular stripes that extend to the abdomen’s tip. The queen’s abdomen is only partially covered by the queen’s wings.
Should I kill a Queen Wasp in a Wasp Nest?
If you want to eradicate a wasp colony, eliminating the queen is an excellent strategy. We know that the queen is obligated to lay eggs and raise new generation for the duration of her life. Certain individuals make use of wasp foggers.
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You will, however, need to know the exact time you intend to assassinate the queen. As winter approaches, the queen wasp departs from her nest after successfully rearing several generations to maturity.
The queen hibernates in the new location where she lays her eggs and raises her brood. The queen’s job is to feed the first generation of larvae until they reach maturity.
If the queen is killed during this stage, the larvae will starve to death, preventing the wasp nest from spreading.
This effectively ends the wasp infestation. Attempting to eliminate the Queen Wasp after the first generation has matured will fail, as any worker can be selected and become the next queen wasp.
When and where are you likely to see the Queen Wasp?
In wasp colonies, queen wasps are highly protected insects. They are relatively immobile in comparison to workers or drones.
The Queen Wasp is expected to remain in its cell for the duration of its life, while workers provide food and protection.
This, however, may not be the case. This is because changing weather conditions, brooding requirements, and surveillance may all cause the Queen Wasp to flee.
Queen Wasp is most active at the end of spring and beginning of winter. This is the time of year when the Queen Wasp searches for a suitable location to hibernate. This movement is not likely to be frequent.
The Queen Wasp is most visible at the end of summer and beginning of spring. This is the time when the Queen Wasp searches for drones to mate with (the Queen Wasp does not mate with drones within its nest; this prevents inbreeding and aids in the transfer of gene-hybrid vigor).
The Queen Wasp is found in gardens, meadows, parks, and woodlands. It becomes more vibrant in the spring as the temperature drops slightly, favoring mating.
Additionally, you may see a Queen Wasp at the end of Autumn and early summer, as this is when she builds her nest and lays drone eggs, which mature during the summer. Typically, the final egg laid at the end of the summer is fertilized in order to raise a new queen.
Are Queen Wasps be aggressive?
Yes! Stingers are found on the Queen Wasp and female wasps. When the Queen Wasp detects a threat, it becomes extremely aggressive.
It will direct its soldiers (workers) to seize the adversaries.
Additionally, the Queen Wasp will leave her comfort zone and join her army in stinging you. Wasp stings are extremely painful.
Unlike a bee sting, a queen wasp can sting you multiple times in a single attack without killing you.
Additionally, the Queen Wasp can be aggressive if you attack its nest or disturb its developing Baby Wasp. Notably, the Queen Wasp will sting even while dormant.
The most aggressive species are hornets and yellowjackets. They will repeatedly sting your clothing and face protection.
Do Hornets Have Queen Wasp?
Yes! Hornets, like all other wasp species, nest communally. They have a single Queen Wasp who is responsible for laying eggs, training female workers, and reproducing new generations of wasps.
Hornet queens construct new nests by chewing wood into a pulp that hardens into a papery structure with multiple cells in each chamber.
Do Wasps Have One Queen in Each Nest?
At any given time, each Colony of Wasps contains only one Queen Wasp. Two Queen Wasps cannot coexist in the same wasp nest.
If two female wasps mature into queens (a very rare occurrence), one must leave the nest with the given number of wasps and build another wasp nest in a different location.
Only when the mother queen wasp is nurturing the new young queen is it permissible for the colony of wasps to have two queen wasps.
This does not last long because the mother queen either dies in the nest or transfers her responsibilities to the new queen and rests in one of the nest’s cells until she dies.
See also What do Wasps Eat and Drink? [in Summer, Fall & Winter]!
How Do Queen Wasps Build Wasp Nests?
Queen Wasp is tasked with the responsibility of constructing the first wasp nest. The wasp nest can be built on leaves, branches, overhangs, roofs, underground, or in the woods.
Typically, the Queen Wasp feeds on wood. It chews up the wood and converts it to pulp.
The wasp nest construction process begins with the Queen Wasp deciding on the best location for the nest (roof, log, wood, ground or drawer).
The Queen Wasp digs the wood with its mouth.
Then it chews on the wood, combining it with its saliva to create a soft paper pulp. It then flies to the location where it wishes to construct the nest.
It then divides into hexagonal cells within the various chambers. The Queen will enlarge the wasp nest until it is large enough for the number of eggs she intends to lay.
Occasionally, the Queen Wasp will construct the wasp nest with the assistance of the first generation workers in order to train them.
How Many Queen Wasps Can as a Single Wasp Nest Produce?
Around 500 to 1500 fertilized eggs are laid by the queen wasp, which hatch into larvae, pupate, and mature into female wasps.
Among these adult wasps, one is given special treatment in order to become the nest’s queen wasp.
The mother Queen then migrates to establish a new colony. The new queen left in the old nest will raise the new generation of wasps before fleeing to find a mate and establish new colonies.
Once treated selectively by the Queen Wasp or the Workers, all Fertilize eggs laid by the Queen Wasp have an equal chance of becoming queens.
Why Do Queen Wasp Leave Wasp Nest?
Normally, the Queen Wasp will leave the nest in search of a suitable location to hibernate or will construct a new nest.
Additionally, the Queen Wasp may depart the nest in search of drones with which to mate (it does not mate with drones in the same nest).
The Queen Wasp can hibernate in a variety of locations, including the backs of trees, the ground, beneath the roof, and in the woods.
What Do Queen Wasps Eat?
Typically, the Queen Wasp feeds on nectar from flowers, small insects (larvae), aphids, arachnids (primarily spiders), or fallen fruits.
The workers primarily feed the Queen Wasp proteins to assist it in laying fertile eggs and also to build its body for future breeding.
Can Queen Wasp Live Without Food?
Queen Wasp is sustained during hibernation by the food it consumed during the spring. The Queen Wasp, on the other hand, is capable of storing some of the food in its nest, where it feeds intermittently during hibernation.
Normally, the Queen Wasp can survive for up to 100 days without food. It is typically in a state of active dormancy.
Other wasps, such as workers and drones, can survive without food for only 11 to 23 days.
Queen Wasp is a female wasp that has been given special treatment by workers and been assigned the responsibility of breeding wasp generations for the duration of its life.
Though it may be difficult to notice the Queen Wasp in a given wasp nest, its size and color can help you identify it. Normally, the queen wasp is larger than the other wasps in the wasp nest.
The Queen Wasp is a sedentary creature that is surrounded by worker wasps for added security. It can be made entirely of red, metallic blue, yellow, or black, or a combination of these colors.
The colors, on the other hand, are more vibrant than those for drones and workers. When a queen wasp seeks a mate or a suitable location to hibernate and breed, it will leave its nest.

With over 5+ years of experience in pest control and a PhD in Entomology, our author brings a blend of scientific knowledge and practical expertise to Passionate about creating pest-free environments, they provide effective tips and strategies for managing and preventing pest infestations. Connect on Facebook for the latest updates and insights.