Can Racoons Swim UnderWater in Pools, Ponds, Lakes?

Raccoons can swim in pools, ponds, creeks, underwater, oceans and in lakes to hunt and feed on prey such as frogs, insects, shellfish, and even fish.

Raccoons are actually quite excellent swimmers, making them unwanted quests in your swimming pool and fish ponds.

This can happen because the raccoon is looking to capture something that is in the water, or simply because it finds your pool a shortcut of sorts to get across your yard.

Do Raccoons Like to Swim?

Of course, they do. They are attracted to swimming pools for the following reasons:


  • An easy place to poop and excrete in.
  • Has insects they can feed on.
  • Has water they can wash their food in.

How to Stop a Raccoon Using My Pool as a Toilet

Eradicating all food sources is a great way to discourage raccoons from visiting your yard.

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Raccoons are opportunistic feeders/hunters and a scavenger. So, proper storage and discard of fruits, bird feeders, trash bags, pet food bowls, chicken feed, fish food, veggies and other plant life will control their visits.


Insecticides will also help in the control of insects, and these can help to stop raccoon invasions in your lawn and garden areas.

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Fish ponds are another natural food source for raccoons. Where possible, cover over fish ponds at night since these critters are night creatures.

Raccoons are lazy animals and do not like to work too hard when there’s an easier option somewhere close by. The pool steps are common areas where these animals do their business.

So, by blocking off the steps or shallow area of the pool, you’re able to keep the raccoon away from the pond.

This discourages the animal from coming closer. A fence around the perimeter of your land provides an easier means of keeping larger wild animals at bay and, therefore, away from your pool.

Not all repellents work on raccoons.

You should try ultrasonic noise devices, liquid and granule-based deterrents.

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If those fail, then it’s time to use wildlife eviction fluid. This all-natural repellent is made from different fluids that come from male raccoons, foxes, coyotes, etc.

These males are predators to females, not for them; for their youngsters. Male raccoons, plus both sexes of other predators will attack and consume young raccoon kits in the den, especially if they have been left defenceless by a mother who has gone out to find food.

These are also commonly called pest control officers, wildlife technicians, wildlife rehabilitators etc., these removal experts have the training and experience to help you get rid of your coon problem.

In some places, raccoon removal requires rather specific methods, with permit and license acquisition beforehand too. So, it is wise to call them.

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How to clean Raccoon faeces off Pool and Control Measures

Pools infected with raccoon excrement needs backwashing. Backwash the filter, then drain and hose the pool.

Where possible, replace the filter materials, and slip-on disposable gloves while doing so. Double-bag the discarded material, along with the disposable gloves, and wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water following the cleaning.

  • After that, keep your pool covered to keep these nasty critters out.
  • Keep all fence doors to your pool shut.
  • NEVER keep trash cans near your pool area
  • Ensure all trash cans on your property are properly sealed.
  • Set raccoon traps around your pool area to catch the mammals for relocation at least 10 miles from your home.
  • Call your local animal control to remove the animal if possible.

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How far Can Raccoons Swim?

Raccoons are able to swim underwater at depths of about 5 feet, their breathing mechanisms are developed in such a way that they can survive underwater with little or no oxygen, for several minutes.

How long can raccoons hold their breath?

Raccoons are able to hold their breath for up to five minutes underwater.

Can Raccoons Catch Fish?

Yes, they have long, sharp claws that catch fish in water and hold on to it. They are excellent swimmers that can swim in ponds, and lakes to catch crayfish, fish, and frogs.

Do Raccoons Swim in Ponds?

Yes, they do. But, raccoons don’t like to swim in deep depths of water. In fact, they’d prefer to swim a little and get out. So, it’s crucial to make sure your pond is deep enough for the fish to escape in.

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The depth of the pond’s edge keeps the hungry critters from venturing in a few inches, and therefore they won’t be able to fetch any fish.

Do Raccoons Eat Water Hyacinth?

Yes, raccoons will also eat water hyacinth.

Do Raccoons Eat Water Lilies?

Yes, raccoons will also eat water lilies and other pond plants.

Do Raccoons Eat Water Lettuce?

Raccoons are attracted to and will eat water lettuce.

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