Does Bifen XTS Kill Roaches?

Cockroaches are one of the most resilient and adaptive pests that can easily infest our homes. Getting rid of roaches requires using powerful insecticides that are specifically designed to kill and control these hardy insects.

One such popular insecticide used for indoor and outdoor roach control is Bifen XTS. In this blog, we’ll take a detailed look at Bifen XTS, discuss how it works to kill roaches, and determine whether it’s an effective roach killer or not.

What is Bifen XTS?

Bifen XTS is a broad-spectrum pyrethroid insecticide that is commonly used to control a variety of insects, including roaches, ants, beetles, mosquitoes, ticks, flies and more. The active ingredients in Bifen XTS are:

• Bifenthrin (25.1%) – provides fast knockdown and long-lasting residual control. It interferes with the nervous system of insects, causing paralysis and death.

• Imidacloprid (21.4%) – controls roaches at lower application rates. Works by interfering with nerve impulse transmission causing insect paralysis. Slow acting but provides long residual control.

Some key features of Bifen XTS that make it effective for roach treatments:

• Multi-purpose formula – controls wide range of pests in and around homes
• Provides quick knockdown and residual control for up to 12 months if left undisturbed.
• Can flush out hiding roaches with exciter pesticide synergists like piperonyl butoxide (PBO)
• Low odor water-based microencapsulated formula
• Can be used indoors and outdoors

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How Does Bifen XTS Kill Cockroaches?

The synergistic action of the two active ingredients – bifenthrin and imidacloprid in Bifen XTS delivers a powerful one-two punch to kill even the toughest roaches. Here’s how it works –

Bifenthrin’s Effects:

• The bifenthrin in the product works as an exciter pesticide. It overstimulates the insect’s nervous system causing hyperexcitation leading to convulsions, tremors, paralysis and finally death.

• It can kill roaches within 10 minutes after contact by disrupting regular nervous system functioning. Provides quick flushing out of hiding roaches.

Imidacloprid’s Effects:

• Being a nicotine-based neurotoxic insecticide, Imidacloprid binds to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in insects. This causes blockage of neurotransmitter signaling resulting in paralysis, immobilization and eventual death due to systemic poisoning.

• Has delayed toxicity on roaches. Can kill exposed roaches within 2-48 hours after contact. Provides superb long-term residual control of up to 12 months.

The combined action of both chemicals allows Bifen XTS to deliver quick knockdown as well as long-lasting residual activity against roaches and their nymphs at varying life stages when applied correctly.

Is Bifen XTS Effective Against Roaches?

With professional and correct application methods involving crack and crevice treatment, spot treatment of harborage areas and exclusion of pest hiding spaces – Bifen XTS is highly effective at controlling even the toughest roach infestations.

Here’s why Bifen XTS works very well for killing roaches:

• It has a broad treatment spectrum – means kills roaches as well other crawling insects
• Low odor water-based formula allows indoor use without nasty smells
• Requires very low dilution ratios. A little product can cover large treatment areas.
• Works extremely well by flushing out hidden and confined roaches
• Provides long lasting residual activity killing roaches exposed even after weeks
• Difficult for roaches to develop resistance because of synergistic chemicals

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One downside to Bifen’s effectiveness is that it has a low repellency against roaches. This means roaches may need to make direct contact with treated surfaces to pick up a lethal dose. So relying only on repellency to keep roaches away may not work. This is where the extreme potency and residual activity of Bifen XTS helps provide continued control.

Overall, when used strategically both indoors and outdoors, Bifen XTS is one of the most reliable insecticides available to kill and control roach populations, their egg cases as well adults, nymphs and hatchlings. The long-lasting chemistry provides continued protection from future infestations as well.

Using Bifen XTS Safely

Bifen XTS contains powerful chemicals and can be harmful if incorrectly used. Make sure you take necessary health and environmental safety precautions before use. Here are some guidelines:

• Read and understand the product label before diluting and applying Bifen
• Avoid breathing in the spray mist or vapors
• Wear protective clothing and chemical resistant gloves
• Only mix as much solution as needed. Do not store mixed pesticides.
• Do not use indoors around unprotected humans and pets
• Do not apply on mattresses, bed linens, pillows or pet bedding
• Do not use in commercial food handling establishments
• Keep people and pets away from treated areas until completely dry
• Properly ventilate treated indoor spaces before re-entry

When used responsibly and as directed, Bifen XTS can provide very effective and long-term control of roaches. Just be sure to take guidance of pest management professionals if treating large commercial facilities or apartments with Bifen.

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