Hissing cockroaches (also known as Madagascar hissing cockroaches) have become popular exotic pets. Their size, unique sounds, and ease of care attract enthusiasts. However, there can be times when these hardy insects get sick and die. As a responsible pet owner, you need to understand why this happens and how to prevent it. In this article we talk about reasons behind Hissing Cockroaches Dying.
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Potential Causes of Death
There are several potential reasons why your hissing cockroaches may be dying including:
Incorrect Housing Set Up
One of the most common reasons pet cockroaches die is an inappropriate habitat. Hissing cockroaches need high humidity between 60-80%. They also require warmth with temperatures of 80-90° F. Ensure their enclosure has proper ventilation too. An incorrect set up leads to fatal dehydration or respiratory infection. Analyze if their home meets all parameters.
Lack of Food
These insects are scavengers by nature. In captivity, provide them a nutritious diet of high-quality commercial gut load insect feed. Fruits and vegetables also make excellent supplements. Avoid protein-rich foods like dog kibble that may cause liver damage. Starvation from lack of adequate food is a preventable cause of death.
Life Cycle Ending
Sadly, hissing cockroaches only live 1-2 years on average as adults. Males have shorter lifespans of just 7-9 months once they reach full size. Factoring in their 5-7 month nymph stage, they naturally die sooner than females. Old age is unavoidable.
Accidental injury can lead to infection and mortality. Check that decor items in their terrarium are roach-safe without sharp edges. Also ensure housed groups get along without bullying or fighting over resources. Separate aggressors and treat any visible wounds.
Cockroaches harbor protozoa and other microscopic gut parasites when living outdoors in nature. These can sometimes be fatal if allowed to overpopulate their digestive system. Have a vet evaluate their droppings under a microscope for signs of excess parasites. Then treat accordingly.
Bacterial, fungal, and viral diseases do occasionally impact hissing cockroaches despite their hardy reputation. Dropsy, yellow muscardine fungus, septicemia, and more can plague populations. Unfortunately pet owners cannot easily diagnose these illnesses themselves. Seek vet care if you notice any strange symptoms.
Pesticide Poisoning
Accidentally consuming insecticidal sprays or chemicals leads to a quick demise. Never use pest control products around a cockroach terrarium. Also prevent exposure during habitat cleaning by removing them first. Be vigilant to avoid this preventable cause of death.
Preventing Premature Death
Providing proper daily care is key to keeping your colony of hissing cockroaches healthy and thriving. Follow these top tips:
- Set Up Proper Housing
As mentioned, these tropical insects require very specific environmental conditions. Invest in an appropriate large terrarium tank and lighting/heating elements to mimic their native climate. Include adequate egg laying sites too.
- Offer Complete Nutrition
These opportunistic omnivores need a varied diet. Provide high-quality dry gut load feed along with fruits and veggies. Top off dried foods with water gel for hydration. Give them occasional treats like grains, dog food or dead insects for essential protein too.
- Facilitate Proper Development
Nymphs need extra attention when molting to successfully transition to adults. Supply added humidity, multiple hides and vertical surfaces. Separate nymphs from adults which may eat them. Understand male vs female changes during life stages as well.
- Isolate Sick Individuals
Quarantine and evaluate any cockroach displaying odd behaviors like lethargy, loss of appetite or hiding. Have exotic vets diagnose disease and provide specialized treatment as needed. This prevents infectious illness from spreading.
- Disinfect Regularly
Even healthy tanks need diligent cleaning to prevent parasite and disease outbreaks. Replace soiled substrate, rotate out egg cartons and disinfect everything 1-2 times monthly. Avoid cross contaminating cleaning supplies between terrariums too.
The Right Preventative Care
While hissing cockroaches are low maintenance pets compared to dogs or cats, they do require attentive care and prompt veterinary treatment when ill. Providing the proper habitat set up, nutrition and cleanliness allows them to thrive. Monitor individuals too so any emerging conditions are caught early before spreading to the entire colony. With attentive husbandry, your Madagascar hissing cockroaches can live full, healthy lifespans. I sincerely hope you find this “Why Are My Hissing Cockroaches Dying?” article helpful.

With over 5+ years of experience in pest control and a PhD in Entomology, our author brings a blend of scientific knowledge and practical expertise to Pestifier.com. Passionate about creating pest-free environments, they provide effective tips and strategies for managing and preventing pest infestations. Connect on Facebook for the latest updates and insights.