Insect Identification Pest Control
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How to Find a Wasp Nest inside Your House?

Wasps build nests inside your home’s walls through the voids in the walls.

Inside the walls, two types of wasps build nests.

Yellowjackets and bald-faced hornets are the culprits.

Both wasps begin building nests in late spring. The process of constructing nests lasts until the summer.

By the end of the summer, the number of wasps in your walls could have risen to a thousand or more.

But where do you look for a wasp nest in your wall?

You’ll find out in this article.

But first, a word of caution: “Do not attempt any DIY methods for removing wasps and their nests.”

Wasps can be quite venomous. Their stings are also extremely painful.

Wasp venom can cause severe allergic reactions, particularly in children and the elderly. The sting of a wasp can also be fatal.

So, as soon as you suspect wasps and their nest are present in your home’s walls, call a pest control company right away.

It’s completely risk-free for you and your family.

Let’s get started without further ado.

How to Find a Wasp Nest inside Your House

If you’re wondering how to locate a wasp nest inside your home, read on. To begin, you must determine whether or not you actually have a nest in your house.

You have to ask yourself if you are seeing a sufficient number of wasps to support a nest. It is insufficient to observe the occasional wasp.

This is meaningless. You should see wasps in your home on a regular basis. Either daily or every other day. If you see wasps on a daily basis, you almost certainly have a nest in your home.

Another method of determining how to locate a wasp nest inside your home is to listen. Wasps generate a great deal of noise as they fly around and construct their nest.

Additionally, you may hear other strange noises emanating from various locations throughout your house.

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Another telltale sign is streams of wasps entering or exiting, particularly from your attic or roof. Keep an eye out for wasp entry points into your home.

There is a good chance that their nest is nearby. Wasps, too, seek refuge during the Winter. If the weather is cold, the likelihood of a nest in your house increases significantly.

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Are you still unsure how to locate a wasp nest inside your home? There is an easy way to narrow down your options.

Generally, wasps build their nests in a limited number of locations. This includes areas such as inside walls and beneath floorboards.

Additionally, they nest in attics, lifts, sheds, garages, and beneath roof eaves. These are the areas in which you should focus your search.

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If you do come across a nest, the best course of action is to ignore it. Under no circumstances should you attempt to resolve this issue or approach the nest. Even if the nest appears to be dormant, avoid approaching it. Wasps may still be present inside.

These are swarming insects that can sting you. Additionally, it is a bad idea to destroy the nest. Alternatively, to destroy it with fire or water.

It is recommended that you take action as soon as possible. Avoid ignoring the issue or hoping it will resolve itself. Indeed, this situation is likely to deteriorate.

The nest may continue to grow in size until it becomes a serious issue. The larger the wasps’ nest, the more aggressive they become. You may soon discover that your house is infested with hundreds of wasps.

This is why, regardless of the size of the nest, you should always contact a professional. We can resolve this issue with the least amount of inconvenience and damage to your property.

Most importantly, we do so safely and effectively, preventing the wasps from returning. Do this immediately and you will avoid having to Google “how to locate a wasp nest inside your house.”

How To Tell If  Wasps are in Your Walls

If you’re not very observant, detecting the presence of wasps and their nests in your walls can be difficult.

It can be difficult to detect wasps and their nests in the walls if you aren’t paying attention.

Many homeowners overlook some obvious warning signs.

The signs of wasps in walls are as follows:

Wasps enter and exit through holes in the walls, often in unusual places such as too high or too low.

These aren’t the kinds of holes that wasps make. These are pre-existing craters.

To begin with, the holes may be small. Wasps, on the other hand, can dig a little to make the holes bigger for them to enter and exit.

A few wasps will also be seen entering and exiting these holes.

This should serve as a warning that wasps are present in the walls.

Wasps have the ability to eat through walls to make room for their nests, which leads us to the next sign of wasps in walls.

The crackling sound is a surefire way to tell if wasps are nesting in your walls.

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Wasps are eating through the bricks of the wall to make room for their nests, which makes the crackling sound.

Wasps build nests in the voids between the walls of your home. If you don’t catch the nest in its early stages, it can grow to be quite large and bulky.

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Wasp nests can grow to be 8 pounds or more if left unattended.

The wasps require enough space to accommodate such a large nest.

And they make that space by chewing on the wall incessantly.

Wasps can eat through drywall quickly.

The sound of crackling comes from chewing.

Wasps, on the other hand, are not nocturnal like many other insects. During the day, they are active.

As a result, the most likely time to hear crackling noises coming from your walls is during the day.

So, during the day, keep your ears open for any noise coming from the wall.

We’re not talking about massive swarms of drywood termites here.

If you see a swarm of wasps buzzing around your house, it’s a sign that there are wasp nests nearby.

Follow the wasps that are hovering near a shady spot or a gap or crack in the wall.

You’ll arrive at the location where they’ve constructed their nests.

But be cautious. If you come across that spot, don’t poke it or let your curiosity get the best of you.

Wasps are fiercely protective of their nests. If you stay too close to the nest for too long, they may sting you.

It’s not just one sting, either. Thousands of wasps could be lurking behind the wall, ready to attack.

Where Do Wasps Build Their Nests?

Wasps build their nests in a variety of places.

Wasps don’t just build nests inside the walls. There are also other locations.

Wasps prefer to build their nests in your home’s shaded areas that are a little higher off the ground.

Wasps commonly build nests on porch roofs, roof eaves and rakes, sheds, garages, and even the ground.

Wasps abandon their nests during the autumn months. They also breed by congregating on tall buildings.

They never return to the old nest. Wasps are always looking for new places to build their nests.

How To Prevent Wasps From Building Nests In Your Home And Property

Taking preventative measures to keep wasps from building nests in your home and property can save you time and money in the long run.

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So, here’s what you can do right now to keep wasps out of your house:

  • Caulk or fill in all cracks and gaps in your walls, especially those on the outside. Instead of using a sealant, use cement to fill the cracks.
  • To keep wasps out of your house, use window screens or fly screens on your windows.
  • Keep all of your trash bins, both inside and outside your home, empty. Bugs are attracted to piled-up trash, which attracts wasps. Maggots and other bugs in the garbage are eaten by wasps.
  • Check for gaps or places where the wooden beam is protruding if your walls are made of wood.
  • Fix it because that’s a wasp entry point.
  • If you have a yard or a lush garden, keep pests and bugs out. Wasps are drawn to them.
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What NOT To Do To Get Rid Of Wasps And Their Nests

Many people believe that removing wasps and their nests is as simple as removing moths.

After a few hundred painful stings, they realize they’ve made a mistake.

However, some wasps, such as horntail wasps, do not sting humans.

It is best if you never attempt to do so.

Do not attempt to use any spray or powder that you may see on YouTube or elsewhere for the sake of your family’s safety.

Yellow jackets build their nests inside the walls at a distance. The spray won’t make it to the nest.

Wasps and their nests must be removed from your walls and property by professionals.

Before removing the nest and the wasp, pest control professionals must cut a portion of the wall to reach the nest.

These experts are outfitted in protective gear.

They can also precisely calculate how far into the wall to poke the nest.

Professionals also have a unique way of getting rid of the nest. They also have a vacuum cleaner that suckers wasps and larvae from the nests.

You may have to leave your home while a professional pest controller treats your home and property for wasps.

Because the wasps are extremely aggressive during the riddance process. Anyone they come across will be stung. And believe us when we say you don’t want to be that person.


In conclusion, here’s how to locate a wasp nest in your wall:

  • The walls have holes in them. Wasps may be seen entering or exiting through these holes.
  • Crackling noises can be heard coming from the walls. These are the sounds of wasps chewing through drywall to make room for their nest.
  • Wasp swarms can also indicate the presence of wasp nests on or near your property. You can find wasp nests in your walls or elsewhere by following the wasps’ flight path.

Please do not use any DIY methods on the wasps or their nests, such as spraying or sprinkling powder.

That has the potential to be extremely dangerous.

To get rid of wasps and their nests, always hire a professional pest controller.

Check out our post on hornet nest vs wasp nests to learn more about the differences between the two.

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