Is It Safe to Eat Food After Ants Have Gotten to It?

It’s a common scenario – you leave some food out on the counter or picnic table, only to return and find a trail of ants marching through it. This can be annoying, inconvenient, and make you wonder if the food is still safe to eat …

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Tiny Little Black Bugs That Bite and Itch

As the warm weather approaches, homeowners across the country begin to notice the emergence of tiny black bugs leaving itchy bites on their skin. While just minor nuisances to some, these minuscule biting pests can quickly become a major source of frustration and discomfort if …

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What Is Your Body Lacking When You Get Boils?

Boils are painful, pus-filled bumps that develop under the skin when bacteria infect and inflame one or more hair follicles. They often look like swollen red bumps on the skin that are tender to the touch. Common places for boils to appear include the face, …

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Baby Bed Bugs – Bites, Pictures, Control & Look ALikes

In terms of pests, bed bugs are among the worst. They also bite. But they also spread very quickly and are very hard to get rid of In places like: Furniture and laundry have dark cracks that make it hard to find them. Many of …

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Can Porcupine Quills Kill A Human or Pets?

Porcupine quills can kill a human or pets (dogs, cats, tigers, lions etc) if left too long inside the body. The quills carry bacteria that lead to infection and when not treated, the individual can become sick and die. The quills are not poisonous or …

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