Do Butterflies Fart or Poop? [See How]

Butterflies are tiny flying insects that come in all sorts of bright and beautiful colors. They’re also some of the most popular and recognizable insects out there, right up there with ladybugs and dragonflies. These little critters get even more attention thanks to their sometimes …

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Do Flies Fart, Pee, and Poop? [ANSWERED]

Flies are very common insects that can cause major annoyances to humans by flying into their food, buzzing around them while they eat, and just generally being in their way. With all of these annoyances, the question remains: do flies fart, pee, and poop? Do …

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Do Racoon eat Rabbits at Night/Day Time? FIND OUT!

Raccoons eat meat and rabbits are meat. A raccoon can eat a rabbit but it will have to perform the impossible feat of catching it first. Now, if the rabbits are caged and caught unaware, then yes, a raccoon will grab them and feed on …

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How to Crystallize Bug Spray in 3 Steps!

I’d never heard of it before. It is theoretically possible, but the chain of chemical equations is prohibitively expensive. Some idiots actually spray the wasps with the wasp spray. Then there are the idiots in West Virginia who use the spray to cut meth and …

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Can Raccoons get out of Traps? SEE How!

Yes, a raccoon will escape a non-steel trap/cage with flexible wires or a door. They are super flexible and (like mice) have relatively flat skulls meaning that they can squeeze through some surprisingly small spaces. The key to catching and keeping raccoons trapped is tying …

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How Many Legs Do Cockroaches Have?

Encountering an unwelcome cockroach scuttling across your kitchen floor often ends only one way—with a quick stomp of your shoe. But have you ever paused to count your minuscule foe’s legs to discover how cockroaches achieve such lightning-fast mobility? Understanding key anatomical features governing these …

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How Many Legs Does a Wasp Have?

Wasps can make simple summer activities like gardening or grilling extremely unpleasant with aggressive stinging attacks. These familiar flying pests create those paper umbrella nests we discover clinging beneath eaves or fence railings each year. But beyond the menace of their stingers, have you ever …

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Do Skunk Eat Tomatoes in the Garden?

If you live in a town where there are raccoons, skunks, and opossums all year round, it can become quite a challenge to have a pest-free garden. Opossums, skunks, raccoons, and squirrels do eat tomato fruits (a bite out of each one and that’s it). …

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What Size Hole Can A Cat Fit Through?

Cats are pretty adept at getting in and out of tight spaces, whether that’s climbing through small openings or squeezing under doors when you leave them open. But do you know how wide cats can go? If you’re wondering what size hole can a cat …

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5 Early Signs Of Spider Mites on Weed/Plants?

Spider mites are a major pest in your home and garden, wreaking havoc on both indoor and outdoor plants. Additionally, they cause significant damage to crops in agricultural fields. Controlling spider mites at the onset of an infestation is critical to extending the life of …

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