What Size Hole Can A Possum Fit Through?

A possum can fit through a hole that’s 3/4 wide. They’re also good at climbing trees, so if you see a possum in your yard and there are low branches nearby, try to shoo it away by knocking on the tree. Possums are cute little …

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8 Speck Tiny Black Bugs on Skin & How to Eliminate Them

Body lice are the insects in question. If you’ve been to an unsanitary dwelling during the summer, they’ll latch onto you and your clothing. Body lice will appear on your skin as specks of tiny black bugs. Body lice bites can be severe if you …

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What Does a Queen Wasp Look Like?

The queen wasp is essentially the nest’s leader, and her primary function is egg laying. She is striped in bright yellow and black and has a triangle-shaped head, a distinct ‘waist,’ and a sharp pointy sting. When the queen emerges from hibernation in the spring, …

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Can Ants Sense Death?

Ants are eusocial insects, meaning they live in organized colonies in which a single reproductive female (the queen) is responsible for reproduction while the rest of the colony works cooperatively to care for the young, forage for food and defend the nest. Living in populous …

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